Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tee-thing troubles

I have always hated t-shirts. Especially the crew-neck types. Not because I don't like them. Its because I could not wear them. I used to get a  little self-conscious and feel very uncomfortable whenever I wore a tee. And then one day, I resigned. I decided that I would not wear them any more. That was very long ago.

Yesterday, it was the first time I wore a crew-neck tee which I bought for myself. I did wear some old ones to the gym many times but this was different. I wore it to work. It was a feeling I would probably not forget for quite some time. Nervous, excited, conscious(very). And happy. :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Well, if the villain dies screaming that word, there has to be some significance to it. So I come back home after watching Varudu and google for it and guess what, it IS something. More on it here for those of you who are interested/jobless enough.

Okay. So I heard some really bad reviews about the movie. Horrible, to be more precise. Still, we go ahead and watch the movie because thats what we do in Vijayawada. We inquire about the movie, discuss the reviews but yes, we still go and watch the movie. Anyway, so we enter the theater expecting 2+ hours of torture. But I must admit, we were pleasantly surprised by the movie. At least, the first half. It definitely did not deserve the lavish abuse that was showered on it. Of course, it did not miss out on the typical and hopelessly romantic cliches that infest Tollywood and it definitely has a very awkward cast (except for the parents of hero and the heroine, who I thought were perfect). But as I said, it was definitely not horrible. Judge me for this if you dare to but I did like the movie. May be not in a tell-your-friends-to-go-watch-it-right-away way. But yes, I was definitely not disappointed. I think that Varudu is one of those movies which crumble under their own hype (considering that it was one of the most anticipated movies of the season).

This experience made me realize a powerful phenomenon which we all know exists, but fail to apply most of the times. Perception or prejudice changes everything. Yes. When I go out and watch a movie, the experience would be unique to me. There are a million things which affect my experience directly or indirectly. I might relate to the movie based on my personal experiences, tastes, interests, etc. People were shocked when I declared that I did not like Ye Maya Chesavo. They probably even thought I was a heartless psycho. My friends still tease me for considering Kotha Bangaru Lokam an entertainer. Most of us still dont get why Banda would un-follow Chetan Bhagat on twitter or why bachi would have his twitter user name as bachi_Khan_SRK or why Vamsi cant stop irritating us with is BABIG crap. In our own little weird ways, all of us are freaks!

When a movie critic goes out and watches a movie, his liking or not-liking the movie is pent to be based on various factors. Like whether he/she is prejudiced against any of the cast/crew of the movie or the comfort level of the theater where the movie is being screened or very simply, his/her mood that day. I am sure most of the famous critics out there are professional enough to filter out all this noise when they work on their reviews but yeah, there are bound to be some exceptions. It can be the other way round too, like in my case when an absolutely shitty movie might actually appeal in its own special way.

Am I implying that one should not follow movie reviews? No.
Am I saying that one should go out and watch every damn movie that is made? No.
Well then, whats my point? Well, all I am saying is that if a movie really appeals to you, be it through trailers or its cast or some damn reason, do not let a "review" spoil the experience for you!

P.S: Subtle hints at Rajeev Masand were indeed, intended :)

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